In some places, kids have already started posing for their first day of school pictures, while others have until after Labor Day to continue enjoying the summer. No matter where you land in the back-to-school parade, it’s never too late to clean up the clutter and get ready for a new school year with an organized home. Planning ahead now with these back-to-school storage tips will eliminate many of the questions of where to put things that arise later in the year.
Having a place for sports equipment, textbooks, science fair projects and all of the clutter can decrease your stress levels throughout the school year, creating a healthier environment for your whole family.
Back-to-School Storage Tips for Every Room
Purge Unused, Outgrown Items Early — Bring the kids together and start determining what clothing still fits, what toys and bedroom furniture have they outgrown, what can be moved into storage, what can be donated and what can be sold. Getting rid of the stuff you don’t need first helps clear your vision for organizing the rest of the home before school starts.
Organize Your Home’s Entryway — The bus drops off the kids and as soon as they hit the entryway and backpacks flop open, coats and shoes are in disarray. If this sounds like a familiar scene, organizing your entryway to work for your family is essential. Remember to put hanging racks and storage shelves lower so the kids can reach what they need, and hang their belongings on their own. Tailor this space to your children, not everyone plays lacrosse, but if your kids do, your entryway may need to look different than your neighbors.
Make Your Kitchen Back-to-School Ready — Not only are you prepping meals for lunches in the kitchen, but your kids likely sit at the table to do their homework. Streamline your fridge bins to categorize foods for making lunches or snacks. Pre-packing lunches and snacks for the week gives you extra time in the morning. Create a healthy snack drawer and reduce the number of times your kids say, “I’m hungry, what can I eat?”
Prep Kids Bedrooms for Back-to-School — Revamping your child’s bedroom may not come to mind first but it could make a big difference. Keep electronic gadgets and highly stimulating toys out of the bedroom, as they make it harder to get kids to settle down and rest. A good night’s sleep is essential, which means adding a little more zen and removing distractions can greatly benefit your child, and yourself.
Organize Piles of Paperwork — From their precious artwork to school notices, permission slips and graded tests, paper piles up during the school year. Be selective about what you keep, but if you can’t part with every masterpiece they create, getting a filing cabinet, or filing boxes, helps manage the future artist’s portfolio. Keep a recycling bin near your front door so it’s easy to ditch junk mail, flyers and anything else that doesn’t need to be saved.
Prepare for a Successful School Year
Taking the time to prepare your home for back-to-school sets you and your family on the right track for a successful school year. Decluttering your home and organizing it to make school routines less stressful will be a turning point for many families struggling to do it all. Prep snacks and meals so you can toss granola bars to the kids on their way out the door for soccer practice. Create an entryway that isn’t just a catchall, but a functioning space that works for your family’s needs. If you’re less stressed, your kids will be, too.
Need more space at home before school starts? Rent a storage unit at SPS for all of the items from your purge that you aren’t ready to part with just yet.