Storage Unit Auctions

Storage Unit Auctions at Security Public Storage

At Security Public Storage, our business is protecting the belongings of our customers. We take this trust to heart. We don’t want to auction storage units or for our customers to lose their belongings. A storage auction is a last resort for making space available to a paying customer. We never profit from an auction — if we collect more than the customer owes, we refund them the difference.

Storage auctions are a painful process — ideally, we would have no auctions. Every time we have an auction, the customer loses their property and we lose the customer — it’s a lose/lose situation. The purpose of the auction is simply to recoup what is owed and nothing more.

Online Self Storage Auction Schedules

We use Storage Treasures for all our online, contactless storage auctions located in the San Francisco Bay Area (excluding Salinas), Sacramento Metro, Nevada, Southern California, Maryland, Virginia, and Oregon.

We use Storage Auctions for all our online, contactless storage auctions in the Central Valley and Salinas. We no longer schedule in-person auctions.Below are links to the upcoming online storage unit auction schedules. You can also pick up a printed copy of the auction schedule at our self-storage facilities.

2025 Auction Schedule (PDF)

Storage Auction Frequently Asked Questions
What efforts does SPS make to contact a customer before the unit goes to auction?
We make every effort to contact the customer by various methods such as by phone, snail mail and email, before the unit goes to auction. This is a slow process, over a period of several months which means if a customer is late paying their bill one month, it won’t immediately go to auction.

Tip: In order to avoid a storage unit going to auction, a customer should update their contact information with the local SPS facility whenever a change occurs.

How can I participate in an online auction?
To access our online auctions, please visit From there, you can search the zip code of the facility you’re wanting to buy from and our auctions will be listed there.
I won the auction, now what?
Buyers must be able to get to the storage facility within 48 hours of the end of the auction. If no one shows up within 48 hours we consider this an abandoned bid and this person will be banned from future auctions. If the buyer shows up, but cannot remove the items within the 48-hour time frame, a daily storage rate will be applied.
What happens to my $100 deposit?
We charge a $100 deposit for any unit bought online, which is refundable when the unit is cleaned out.

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